Paragraph 1
Advertising messages for alcoholic beverages may not be displayed on an individual sportsman or sports team.
Paragraph 2
Advertising messages for alcoholic beverages may not be displayed on vehicles and/or attributes that are used by the sportsman or sports team in their active practice of sports.
Paragraph 3
Athletes who practice their sports professionally shall not be hired by or on behalf of an advertiser for radio, cinema and television commercials, neither for printed messages or social media posts with or without images and/or videos. It is not permitted either to portray such athletes on packaging and/or labels.
Paragraph 4
The following is permitted with regard to athletes who practice their sports professionally:
- to interview them in a journalistic setting with the logo or brand name of an advertiser visible on screen;
- to let these athletes participate in a public celebration, made possible by an advertiser in a physical environment in which messages such as the logo and brand name of that advertiser are also visible; and
- to register this ceremony and distribute images thereof (or to have them distributed) via an (online) platform.
Paragraph 5
Communications with athletes who practice their sports professionally may not contain a direct promotion of an alcoholic beverage.
Paragraph 6
Athletes interviewed or honoured in communications must be 18 years or older.
Paragraph 7
Advertising for alcoholic beverages shall not portray any active sporting activities on packaging of alcoholic beverages.
Paragraph 8
It is permitted to portray active sports practice in advertising messages, but exclusively to portray the context of celebrating the performance afterwards.
Paragraph 9
At sports competitions involving athletes who practice their sports professionally, it is permitted to display alcohol advertising messages on the boarding, provided that Article 20 is complied with.
Paragraph 10
During amateur competitions it is not permitted to show alcohol advertising messages on the boarding.