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Good taste and decency

Advertising messages for alcoholic beverages may not be at variance with good taste, decency, or detract from human dignity and integrity.

Guidelines to Article 5 – Good taste and decency

Advertising messages for alcoholic beverages may not unnecessarily hurt people. Avoid every insult or offence. Discrimination on the basis of race, sexual inclination, religion and suchlike is absolutely forbidden.

Sometimes you can go too far

An advertisement of Bavaria in Voetbal International said among other: “Your balls are in good hands with us”. The RCC is normally very reserved with its judgments with regard to Article 5, but in this case it still chose to determine that this advertisement was in conflict with the Advertising Code for Alcoholic Beverages (RvA). Reasons: the lack of subtlety, hinting at ‘a date’ with some of the ladies shown and offering ‘care’ by the ladies from the advertisement.